What we do
At Myrrhee School we provide a vast array of quality learning experiences.
Here are just some of the amazing opportunities that we provide...
Making day
Stephanie Alexander
Kitchen Garden
We love making and creating at Myrrhee School so much so that we dedicate one day a week to it. We provide opportunities for all students to develop confidence, creativity, and interest in science, technology, engineering, math, literacy, art, and learning as a whole through making. Fortunately we have volunteers from the community to teach students a range of skills including Welders, Sculpters, Woodworkers, Winemakers, Painters, Jewellers, Sewers, Cooks and many others. Click Here to see some of our creations.
1:1 Technology
Here at Myrrhee all students have access to up to date technology to ensure we stay ahead of the game in technology. Students in the upper grade each have access to their own iPad and the online portfolio system Stile to organize and present their school work.
Vine to Wine
Learning in the heart of Wine Country, students are taken through the process of the winemaking industry learning valuable mathematics, science and communication skills.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program aims to change the way children think about food and to teach students how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, nutritious food.
At Myrrhee we have a beautiful vegie garden all year round which all staff and students use to cook with.
Bluearth is an Australian Wide Organisation who are devoted to active living and improving kids’ physical, social and emotional health. Bluearth not only addresses the physical health of children, but also improves self-awareness, focus, self-esteem, resilience. And team building.
Camps & Excursions
We believe that there is so much out there in the world to learn and we don’t let the four walls of the classroom stops us from getting out there and taking part in it! We have a range of camps and excursions including Sailing Camp, Snow Trips, Coastal Camps, City experiences, and many more!
Healthy Living
Specialist Classes
At Myrrhee we have a strong focus on healthy lifestyles and developing the whole child. We focus on nutrition through the kitchen garden, physical development through daily exercise and Bluearth and mental health through our circle time sessions. We also have access to all the usual resources of other schools such as speech therapy, psychologists, school nurses, etc.
Here at Myrrhee we have a number of specialist programs including, Art, Italian, Library and Music ensuring that students have a range of different learning opportunities to allow for success.